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Customer Service Policy

Judy’s Blooms strives to develop continuing relationships, and it wants to ensure your satisfaction with an assurance of quality.  We are always working hard to be the only choice for your floral needs.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order or our services, we encourage you to contact us, so that we may work to achieve your complete satisfaction.


When you confirm an order with us with your payment, a receipt will be sent to you by e-mail.  Please review and contact us immediately if you think anything is incorrect.


To determine if a delivery has been made as instructed, please contact the recipient directly.  If this is not possible, please contact us on the next business day after scheduled delivery.  We diligently work to achieve a reputation for consistent, reliable and successful deliveries. We are confident you will find our services to be professional and committed to high quality in all aspects of our services.


For AM or PM delivery times, we do our best to meet the time-of-day requested within 2 hours.  Please note that we are unable to achieve timed deliveries on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Christmas Day.  For such busy holiday times, we recommend placing your order at least 5 days ahead of your desired delivery time.


We are committed to providing quality products with top-drawer customer service by phone or online.  If a meeting in person is needed, we will work to facilitate your schedule.


We have strong regard for your privacy, and we will do everything possible to protect and secure your information.


Thank-you for your business.

Bridal Bouquet
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